The Avalon of Five Elements Chapter 1: Decision


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The maltose in the mouth of Fatty was crunching and biting, the afterglow of the setting sun splattered on the ground, the wind was as soft as a feather, and there was no bit of killing and coldness on weekdays. Ai Hui did not know whether he would remember this day in the future.

“Decided?” Fatty asked vaguely.

“Decided.” Ai Hui replied affirmatively that he had already made a decision, and there was nothing to hesitate.

Fatty seems to be sighing, but also envious: “You do n’t want to be beaten by those little farts, it will make me feel ashamed. I do n’t understand, what ’s good about killing and killing? Take this The amount of money is enough for us to go back and live a lifetime! How many people have entered Savage Territories with us? Two thousand! Just two of us survived! This is life money, understand! I am dead, this money can still be received by my family Come on, you are going to die … “

“So I have to be alive.” Ai Hui interrupted the more and more excited, Fatty who stood up directly, his stern face could not say the calm at the moment.

The opportunity to enter Five Way Heaven’s is hard-won. His natural talent is not good enough, he was not qualified to enter Five Way Heaven’s, but in the past three years, he has performed very well. The calmness shown in the complex and tense environment, as well as the courage and fighting spirit at the critical moment, are impressive.

When he asked for a request to enter the Five Way Heaven quota, he finally agreed after considering the above.

Of the two thousand coolie, only two of them survived. Even the most luck component is enough to explain many problems.

Fatty sat down desolately, Ai Hui’s stubborn he was too familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he became excited again and said sincerely: “Remember to write my name in the pension column. It is better to be cheaper than others.”

Ai Hui was too lazy to take care of him. He pulled out the root grass stalk and put it in his mouth, lying down comfortably with his head in his head. In the three years of Savage Territories, every day my nerves are highly tense, blood, life and death, fight, that is a cold and dark world mixed with scarlet.

How did he come here in the past three years? He did n’t know, and he did n’t want to remember, it was not a good memory.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on your body, warm and comfortable, Ai Hui’s frowns involuntarily, and the cold and shabby face relaxes a little, quiet and peaceful.

So comfortable!

The warm body gradually relaxes, and Ai Hui’s ’s thoughts also become loose, like the mist that has lost its bondage, and it diffuses silently.

The warm sunlight, the slight wind, some strange and familiar feelings, awaken those strange and familiar memories deep in my mind.

In the three years before three years, the Sword Cultivating Training Hall’s sunlight zephyr is like this.

The sun did not rise, breathing the cold air, and he began to clean up the Training Hall transformed from the old storehouse. Wiping the floor three times is a warm-up. After wiping the floor, I started playing with wooden shelves. The wood was usually picked up from the nearby streets, and the length and thickness were different, and the shape of the shelf naturally couldn’t be so particular.

Putting the wooden shelf, he began to sort out the secret sword manual recently received by owner.

These cheats one yuan for ten kilograms are market prices, paper books are cheaper, and iron vouchers are more expensive. jade slip is the least valuable. The workload is not small, but no one urges, Ai Hui is never in a hurry.

Occasionally, he still imagines that if he is in Cultivation Era, what kind of scenery he should be, selling sword manual must be sold softly.

After finishing secret sword manual, he will start to sort out flying sword and treasured sword.

The sun has risen now, warm, just like it is now. The corner of Ai Hui’s‘s mouth couldn’t help a slight smile.

Although flying sword and treasured sword spiritual power is lost and bleak, it is just a pile of scrap copper. However, under sunlight, Ai Hui is often attracted by their ancient charm.

flying sword represents the pinnacle of cultivation world. It is the favorite of Master in the past. It has all kinds of shapes and shapes. Some shapes even make people unable to connect with flying sword.

He is so rusty that he does n’t touch it. If it breaks, owner will scold him again.

There is no wages, and three meals are enough. This kind of life is so beautiful for the wandering children who had been living in the ups and downs before the age of ten. Like the sunlight at this time, he could not find a better compliment.

owner is a good person, but he ’s a little bit worse in business.

Will qualified businessmen handle Sword Cultivating Training Hall?

Ai Hui spent three years in Training Hall. No more than ten people visited Training Hall. Seeing the Sword Cultivating Training Hall signboard hanging at the door, the ninety percent people turned their heads and left.

Where is sword cultivation now?

The sword cultivation field has nothing but countless cheats sword manual, treasured sword, and flying sword. For these things, owner has traveled all over the waste markets around the world. Even if it does business outside, it will also come back in batches.

It can be said that the enthusiasm of owner for sword cultivation is unreasonable, and the freight is much more expensive than their cost.

Of course, occasionally, Ai Hui feels that with the poor financial resources of owner, it seems that he can only afford a cheap hobby like sword cultivation.

Ai Hui persuaded owner, it is better to change to a forging body or the like, anyway, it is much more promising than sword cultivation. owner was furious and scolded him bloody. Ai Hui knew then that owner‘s talent for doing business was really lacking.

Watching the Ai Hui of the empty Training Hall, simply thinking about the secret sword manual of one yuan for ten kilograms. Did not practice sword cultivation, thanks to the perseverance of exercise, fighting is a lot more powerful, with the fist to recruit three or two little farts.

owner is bad, he failed to repay his debt due to business failure, and committed suicide. Ai Hui is sad, owner is a good person, but not strong.

Debt repayment is justified, Training Hall should be owned by others. On the last day, debt collector came to seize Training Hall and Ai Hui said so to himself.

But when he saw with his own eyes that the rough bookshelf he hit was pushed down to the ground, secret sword manual was messy on the ground, half of which was dragged back from the far city by owner. When he saw that sword rack, which had to be wiped several times a day, was trampled to pieces by debt collector, owner said that it was a treasure he had scraped from a Jianzundong mansion. The flying sword on sword rack had been bloodied for thousands of years and shocked the heroes. When he saw that Nine Tone Sword Chimes hanging under the eaves was ragged, owner said that it was the famous Nine Tone Sword Clan Zhenshan heavyweight, Jiujian came out, and heavenly sound broke the void.

He couldn’t hold back, like a wolf wounded on the verge of extinction, and rushed crazy.

Just struggling, um, dying.

Ai Hui did not know the name of owner, found a wooden board and wrote the word “owner” as spirit tablet, thin branches as incense, burned all the sword manual that can be burned to owner, knocked the head, wish God bless owner sword cultivation dream can be realized in heaven.

With a body wound, staring at the messy Training Hall for a long time, he turned and left. Walking through sunlight through the uneven roof of the street and falling mottled light and shadow, he mechanically took his legs and subconsciously moved forward, not knowing where to go.

Even in the past year, the feeling of loss and loneliness is still so clear. He remembered that he felt a little cold at the time, wrapped his whitish clothes tightly around his body, and put his hands in his pockets. The sunlight that day was different from today’s sunlight, and it was so cold.

Walking and walking, I do n’t know how long it took until a strong hunger awakened him from the woodless state. Famine and cold, he saw the announcement of Five Way Heaven recruitment Savage Territories coolie.

He has nowhere to go and nowhere to go.

Fortunately, I survived.


Ai Hui’s recovered his thoughts and found that his body was unconsciously slightly tense. He couldn’t help but smile with in the heart. Such a good time was destroyed by not too good past events.

He took a long breath and tried to relax his tight muscles.

For three years, in Savage Territories, he was lucky to survive. Only two of their team of 2,000 survived, one was him and the other was Qian Dai. Oh, the name of Fatty’s is Qian Dai.

The coolie who died will get a pension at home, and the living people can get a lot of money. Five Way Heaven is never stingy in this regard.

Fatty is ready to go home. His family are orphans and widows. He has to support a whole family, and he has more pressure than himself.

“Okay, I also know that you are the king of eight who eats scales and has a strong heart. You have a bad temper and a lot of problems, and you never listen to others. You are also old and not too small. Daughter-in-law? Save money with some money … “Fatty is still chattering, I don’t know if it’s about to separate.

I am impatient and verbose on weekdays, and Ai Hui does n’t feel that annoying, but when he heard that Fatty talked about money, he immediately felt a bit of pain in his forehead. .

Sure enough, seeing the blue tendons on Fatty‘s neck start to jump, Ai Hui crashed immediately, and immediately threw a cloth bag: “For you!”

Fatty glanced at Ai Hui somewhat puzzled, but caught it with a flexible one that was not in line with his body faster. As soon as the bag started, Fatty’s‘s small eyes were immediately rounded.

The fingers that were as thick as carrots were pulled, and the bag was instantly untied. Fatty glanced at it, and he was trembling with excitement.

Ai Hui looked away with disgust, and Fatty could not see the face of money.

“Pap!” Fatty rushed over, holding both hands of Ai Hui’s, his face full of emotions, tears in his eyes swirling.

Seeing the appearance of Fatty, Ai Hui in the heart was also moved, and felt that he still thought too much about Fatty. The two men fought side by side for so long. This friendship is sincere and profound. He was not used to this kind of scene, and wanted to shout and roll, but thought of the need to separate soon, he tried to restrain himself and slowed down his voice, and said a little bit jerky: “Anyway, I am alone, there is not much room for money, you return to Old Earth, There are many people in my family, and I use more money than I … “

“Good brother! Really my good brother!” Fatty choked desperately shaking his hands with Ai Hui’s, tears in his eyes: “Five Way Heaven includes room and board, you can’t use the remaining half, why not give it to me together?”

I’m actually lucky for this guy. It’s really naive. Ai Hui‘s gripped hands suddenly backhanded, gently exerting force, Fatty is like a light fat cloud, flying out more than ten feet, hitting the ground and splashing a mouthful of maltose.


It feels good to finally express my chest.

Ai Hui serene clapped his hands and touched the purse in his arms. Fatty’s had very fast hands and feet.

Fatty climbed up from the ground in disgrace.

The whistle from the camp far away sounded, and the two fell silent silently.

Different times arrived, this is the last collection. Ai Hui is going to Five Way Heaven, and Fatty is going to Old Earth. The orange sunset that quickly fell to the ground dragged their shadows long and long.

Ai Hui, survive!”



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