Novoland: Eagle Flag: Origin of Kyushu Creation and Introduction to Main Characters


As an author, I always have a great wish to write and paint a huge scroll in my lifetime. But with one person’s strength, how can he finish the endless imagination in his heart after exhausting a hundred years.

So, we finally found a way: to create the world.

A month ago, a post on a website inviting people to write the same story was posted on a certain website’s Unconstrained and Unconstrained Forum. The originator did not expect that this would become the beginning of a cosmic explosion.

At first it was just a small Solitaire project, but then more and more authors joined in, and finally they decided to turn it into a large fantasy world, which is used by more authors, so that everyone’s works can be shared Response, so that this world can continue to be real and enriched. At first, this world was not called “Kyushu”. In order to determine the name of the world, and to argue whether it should be white or yellow, it has experienced countless battles. Finally, Kyushu was officially named, and the Kyushu Forum was created, discussing the setting and inviting authors to join. The current lineup of authors who have participated in the creation of Kyushu can almost form a dream team like Real Madrid on the Internet. There is only one reason that attracts so many people: a dream of creating the world together.

Imagine that all the stories can echo each other, and the independent works can be combined into a masterpiece. The characters dance in different works, reflecting the light of every corner of him. What a joy it is to watch the world gradually take shape in the accumulation of a grain of sand and a leaf.

Fantasy world with detailed information and settings, the famous “Dungeons and Dragons” in the west (d Somebody has to do something. Whether for the dignity of the oriental fantasy culture, or for the childlike innocence .

Kyushu is a dream. Is the first drop of water in the sky, we hope it will become the ocean.

He heard the sound of the first drop of water falling.

It fell into the vast dark void, which may be a huge underground cavity, where the earth’s crust is intertwined, and thousands of miles of rocky mountains grind together, making a grand sound. The mountains are gestating, rolling, and being driven underground, waiting for the moment when they break through the ground.

The flames splashed out, and before there were plains and mountains, the fire and water collided directly, and the white mist rose to the sky, and was torn by the storm in the air, forming all kinds of huge and bizarre appearances.

The rain has begun to fall. Has anyone seen how the second and third drops of water in the world come. Who is lucky enough to look up when the first rain falls, because the rain has not stopped since then, and has been falling for millions of years.

So the sea appeared, boundless, and there was no such thing as land. The gas erupted from the canyon in the deep sea, and one after another bulge was continuously formed on the sea surface, each several tens of miles high, and then exploded, and the huge water wave collapsed, smashing the low-moving dark clouds.

The sea water boiled for tens of thousands of years before it stopped, and finally the world fell into silence. Dark clouds covered the sky, and the sea was dark. Only in the deepest part of the earth’s core was it bright, and the fiery core of the earth was rolling to complete its final shape.

But on the distant surface, everything is still silent, silent, without a breath of wind, and the Wuyun Mountain is still standing still, just piling up, piling up, for a thousand years, until the top of the sky, five thousand years, until the top of the sky Fill up the whole.

I don’t know who coughed lightly. Have it? It is true that there is no life, but the cloud covering the entire dome suddenly collapsed, the wind came out, the thunder and lightning ran out, everyone laughed loudly, tearing the curtain into pieces…

And the earth—just like that—appeared.

This is our land. It’s still scorching hot and the rain is puffing up white smoke, but just be patient and you’ll see the moment when the first flowers bloom. The flower will not know who separated the sky and the earth for this moment, and who moved billions of soil and water from the void.

This is boundless.

It’s time, he spread his wings.

There is no God, no creator, no gods, the moment there is light, there is singing.

The great creation begins here.


The earth is like an endless scroll. When you embark on a long road, if you don’t turn back, you will never return to the starting point. And when you sit and rest, the water and the earth are also moving away with the passage of time, going to the depths of history. The relationship between time and space is like an ever-rotating scroll, where layers of past history overlap with layers of the sky, secretly affecting the trajectory of stars.

When people on the earth look up at the sky, what they see is not just the sun or the moon, but the three stars and nine stars alternate in the sky. The three stars are the fiery and bright sun, the extremely dark Gu Xuan, and the twin moons that accompany but never meet (a double star composed of a bright moon and a dark moon). And Jiuxing Que is nine huge constellations, namely Ning Wanlei.

In different ages, their brightness alternates between light and dark, affecting the drift of clouds, the fluctuation of sea water, and the ups and downs of the earth. In mythology, it is believed that each of the nine stars has a palace in the sky, and each has an automatically operating astrolabe, and the movement and direction of the planets on it dominate the fortunes and fortunes of Kyushu.

In addition, there are many huge auxiliary stars such as Yufei, Genbai, Miluo, Tianyu, Huanhua, and Lizhang. Their halos can be faintly visible even in the daytime. Gorgeous streamers, stars flying with huge streamers, the sky is like a carnival of gods. And at night, the sky is dominated by Gu Xuan, who absorbs all light, and the light of the nebulae is absorbed and weakened. Except for the main stars that still have huge elegant halos, the other stars are like large and small diamonds that are randomly scattered on the black cloth . The huge star clusters they form are like clouds in the wind, constantly changing shapes and gathering and dispersing. Sometimes it changes beyond recognition overnight, and sometimes it remains unchanged for thousands of years.

Because of their light, the sky in Kyushu is not always blue or white. When people see the changing sky color and the light and dark halo shapes of the main stars, they will know what the power of the stars may bring to this earth The change may be a rainy season, a storm, or an era of mild climate and stable breeding.


People think that the stars in the sky correspond to the mountains and rivers on the earth, so the ancient dynasty that first divided the world of Kyushu divided the land owned by this dynasty into Kyushu according to the mapping of the nine stars. This is: Shang Zhou, Hanzhou, Ningzhou, Zhongzhou, Lanzhou, Wanzhou, Yuezhou, Leizhou, Yunzhou.

Kyushu is not the whole of the earth, because the earth is infinite. But the ancient dynasty founders believed that this territory was the center of the earth. It is said that Kyushu was contiguous in ancient times, but because of the melting of glaciers covering the land and the rise of sea water, and the emperors of ancient dynasties mistakenly dug a canal leading to the sea, causing the sea water to flow backward, Kyushu was divided into three inland seas. North 6, East 6 and West 6.

The area unit of Kyushu is Tuo (hundred square miles).

East 6 is about 540,000 Tuo, North 6 is about 360,000 Tuo, and West 6 is about 250,000 Tuo.

(Currently, it is set that one Kyushu Li is the same as one Huali, and one extension is 100 square miles, which is equal to 25 square kilometers in reality. Zhongsanhai is about 40 million square kilometers.)


Did God create the world? Or are the stars and the earth all grown from the vastness? No one knows, because no one can prove the existence of gods, they only exist in the legends of the various races in this land.

The six major clans in the vast world of Kyushu are Ren, Yu, Kuafu, and Heluo. Regarding their origin, the legends of each clan are different, but they have a wonderful commonality.

Human mythology: Heaven and earth were originally an egg, and the giant Pangu opened the sky in the egg, and Nuwa created man. Nuwa molded the human race out of fine clay; carved Kuafu out of stone; burned the river network out of black mud; weaved the feather race out of grass leaves; and finally the remaining materials were scattered everywhere to form other creatures: for example After being eaten by fish that rushed into the sea, the fish turned into a human and became a shark.

Myth of Kuafu: Pangu opened the sky, and after Pangu fell, his flesh and blood turned into mountains, his blood into rivers, his hair into forests, and his eyes, teeth, ears, nose, and mouth into the five wonders of the earth. The Kuafu family jumped out of Pangu’s mouth, the human family came out of his hands, the Yu family flew out of his head, and the soles of his feet came out of the river network. Because of the isolation from the sea, the existence of the sharks was ignored in their mythology.

Heluo Myth: The earth is the furnace of the goddess, and there is a raging fire in the center of the earth, and all ethnic groups are fired from the furnace. The river network was naturally produced in the first furnace, so the goddess gave them fire. And give soil to the human race, wind to the feather race, and water to the shark race. The charm is formed by the smoke from the stove.

Myth of the Yu Clan: The earth was originally an egg, and at a certain moment, the sky opened up and the earth opened up. The clean air rose, and the turbid air fell. , so it is doomed not to have the power to fly. But the Yu clan also lost the protection of the earth because of this, and wanted to wander about.

Charm: Because it is condensed from nothingness, non-races have no blood relationship, cannot reproduce and have no inheritance, so there is no culture at all. But they think that they are the aura of the earth, and they condense only to experience the feeling and understand the world.

The myth of the merman: In the past, the world was full of water, which was the world of the merman. Suddenly one day the sky broke, and huge rocks and soil fell, and what emerged from the water became the earth. Some mermen were curious, walked to the land, went farther and farther, and even forgot to go home. Over time, the caudal fin becomes a leg, and it can no longer return to the hometown of the sea.

Human Race:

The human race does not have the wings of the Yu clan, does not have the height of Kuafu, does not have the miraculous skills of Heluo, does not have the magic of charm, and does not have the good water of the mermaids, but they are the most numerous, the most widely distributed, and the most developed social system. race. Hanzhou, Zhongzhou, Lanzhou, Wanzhou, and Yuezhou are all dominated by the human race.

The human race is divided into 6 people from the east, 6 people from the north and 6 people from the west. People in Donglu value etiquette and righteousness, read poetry and prose, wear long robes and wide sleeves, play the piano and paint, and take farming as the cornerstone of society. The Beilu people live as nomads, and most of them live on the Hanzhou prairie. The folk customs are fierce, they like strong wine, and they like long songs. They are called barbarians by the Dong people. There is a wide strait between East 6 and North 6, also known as the Tiantuo River, which has witnessed repeated conquests from the north to the south, and the rise and fall of grievances and enmities.

West 6 is a mysterious land. Legend has it that there used to be a brilliant civilization, but because of the plague, only ruins were left in the forest.

Yu Family:

A race mentioned in the Shan Hai Jing. When Yuren needs to fly, he can condense the wings crystallized by spiritual power on his back, and when he stops, the wings dissipate, fall and melt away. They use lunar power to fly, and their flying abilities vary according to their physique and bloodlines. Most of the feathered people can only condense their wings on the day when the lunar power is strongest every year, and one-third of the feathered people can fly on the lunar power of each month. Flying on the strongest day, only a few Yuren can condense their wings once a day, and those Yuzu who can condense their wings to fly at any time are one in a million.

The feather bones are hollow, the body is light and thin, and the weight is only half that of the human race, so they are by no means rivals of other races in terms of muscle strength. Their strengths lie in agility and the ability to condense their wings.

When the Yu family is not flying, the feathers condensed by spiritual power are scattered and gradually melt like ice, leaving no trace.

The Yu people live in the forest, they don’t cut down trees, they don’t shoot birds. Their dwellings are living houses, formed by the subtly growing guide shoots. The Yu tribe is scattered in the boundless forest of Ningzhou in the form of city-states. Due to the loose nature of Yuren, although there is a royal family, they are usually unable to restrain the city-states, and it is difficult to implement a unified government order or organize a large-scale army.

Yu people yearn for the distance, but they are a rootless family. They can fly into the sky, but it is difficult for them to gain a foothold on the earth.


A race of giants, which is said to be a descendant of Kuafu, the mythical giant who is called the day-by-day giant. Legend has it that they can grow infinitely taller, but most of the Kuafu clan can only grow to twice the height of humans. The appearance of mountain-like giants requires special events or extremely long lifespans.

The Kuafu family is rare in number, withdrawn and reticent. Most of them live independently as a family unit, rarely live in groups, and mostly live by hunting. Sometimes Kuafu will choose his own leader, but there is no complete system and social system, and he is still in the state of a primitive clan.

The number of this race has always been very small, only one percent of the human race. It is scattered in the snow-capped plateau of Shangzhou in the north, and it is very rare in other places.

The severe cold has made the Kuafu family strong and resilient, just like their day-to-day ancestors. Once they set their goals, no one can stop them. They step across mountains and rivers with huge feet.

River network:

A slender race, only half the height of the human race. But the network’s wisdom and skill more than made up for it. They are the most pioneering race, building cities in the mountains and underground. There are many female kings, and the children are collectively raised by the tribe after birth. The female king is the respected mother. There is a system that pays great attention to collective unity and precise division of labor. Thousands of people can work together as one person. Its construction and production capabilities are difficult for other races. of. The production process and refining technology of Heluo are also the first among all clans. In addition, some Heluo tribes also make a half-plant, half-animal body called Jiangfeng, which is used to wrap around their own body as a new body or mount.

The number of Heluo clan is about one-fifth of the human race, and the tribes that can make general winds account for about one-half of the total number of Heluo clan. Most of the river networks are distributed in the southern part of Yuezhou, and other states are relatively rare, but this does not mean that there are no river network cities underground in these places. If you get lost in the mountains at night, and when you turn around the corner and suddenly see that the whole mountain in front of you has been cut off in half, and the light on the flat mountain wall is bright, like a starry sky, it must be a huge city surrounded by rivers.


Meizai are spiritual incorporeal bodies at the beginning, they are formed by the aura scattered on the earth. When they start to have consciousness, they will instinctively want to get a flesh and blood body, so they absorb tiny substances from the surrounding air, soil, and water, and start the difficult process of agglomeration.

This process is quite long, it will take months, years or even decades. Usually, a ghost will first find a very quiet place to wrap itself with a chrysalis. The shape of the chrysalis is usually like a stone or dead wood. , it is difficult to distinguish. Although theoretically, charms can be condensed into any shape they want, but condensing them into things imagined out of thin air will make the body unreasonable, and it is very easy to fail. If they condense into animals, they cannot blend into the crowd, so charms usually choose the appearance of other races. to condense.

The appearance of the condensed charm is similar to that of other races, but it has a strong sense of magic and spiritual power, but it often has defects inside its body, which is different from ordinary people. Mei can directly condense into an adult, but even if condensed into a baby, it still has innate wisdom. There are also some charms that fail to condense and become strange in shape.

Glamour is a contradiction between freedom and imprisonment. They are willing to feel the pain of sexual desire in order to blend into the crowd, but they are always lonely and alien in the crowd.


The Shark Clan is also called the Jiao Clan. They have a body with a dragon tail and a slender streamline. Most of them live in the sea, and there are also a small number of mermaids in the few large rivers and lakes that communicate with the sea, including underground lakes. If the merman wants to go ashore, he must first use magic to transform his legs, or he can only use a car to travel. It is very difficult for a merman who has not changed his physique to survive outside the water for a day.

The mermen use a chant-like language to convey information in the sea with waka-like tones. When human beings hear strange singing at sea, they know they have encountered sharks. They use scaffolding to cultivate fast-growing corals to build underwater cities, or weave house nests with water and grass, and float in the sea. A tribe will have at most hundreds of such grass nests. Mermaids often migrate along with changes in the direction of ocean fish and warm currents, so some sharks will use balsa wood and air bubbles in the sea to build huge underwater floating cities and drift with the currents.

Sharks are good at weaving a kind of extremely thin silk from raw materials in the sea, which is called shark silk. It is light and tough, with an extremely smooth surface, and is used for construction and clothing in the sea. This is an extremely precious silk fabric. It is said that the “mirage” that occasionally appears on the sea is the market where the mermaids sell and exchange this kind of mermaid. There is another legend that when the sharks cry in sorrow, the tears that roll down are beautiful pearls. In fact, they are the crystallization of tears that the sharks shed when they cry.

The above is only the briefest description of Kyushu settings.

In the future, we hope that this world will be continuously improved and enriched by many works and imaginative settings. In the end, it becomes a grand spectacle, and every detail of it is so real and palpable.

I once imagined: when the stars sink from the middle of the sea, they go to the other side of the vastness. The huge light wheel pushed away the sea water, and the sea area thousands of miles away was reflected bright yellow. The stars continued to sink, and the sea boiled wherever they went. The sharks came here and stood on the edge of the deep sea cliff, looking at the wonder of the stars reflected in the sea. The Kuafu family stood on the iceberg breaking the waves, chasing the sunset. In the sky above their heads, there were transparent wings reflecting the rays of the sun. The dark sea was burning, and all the creatures instantly became colorful and began to revel. .

Kyushu World, I hope it can be a stage for all fantasies.

Lu Guichen (Asule Pasur): The youngest son of Lu’s Pasur family, the eldest son of the Qingyang Department. His official name is Lu Guichen, but the nickname of the barbarians is Asule, so when addressing him by his full name, it should be “Lu Guichen Asule Pasur”, only those close to him will call him Nickname Asule. He was born in Lemo of Yan family in Shuobei of Lu Song. He was in poor health since he was a child.

Lu Song (Guoler Pasur): Qingyang Maharaja, he is the son of King Qindahan, a famous grassland hero in history, his mother is from Donglu, half of Donglu blood.

Lu Shouyu (Bimogan Pasur), Lu Fu (Tieyou Pasur): The eldest son and the second son of the Pasur family of the Lu family are both from the Dayan clan of the Qingyang Department of Lu Song. Born by Yihan. The brothers love each other, with Bi Mogan as the leader, and they are a group of forces fighting for the succession of the Maharaja. Supporting them were the Nine Kings Elu Khan and the noble generals of Cheongyang.

Lv Yingyang (Xu Dahan Pasur), Lu He (Guimu Pasur): The third and fourth sons of the Pasur family of the Lu family are all from Lu Song’s Shuobei Dajia was born. The brothers love each other, with Xu Dahan as the leader, is another group of forces vying for the succession of the Maharaja. Lu Song supported them. Gole’er’s three older brothers, Taigor Khan, Suha Khan and Gele Khan.

Li Changchuan (Shahan Chaodelaji): Honored by the tribe as “Dahesa”, Qingyang’s astrological master.

Yan Jinglong (Amochi Yimatai): A student of Li Changchuan, the successor of Dahesa.

Tuoba Shanyue (Lei Yihan Geerhong): Under the command of the three armies of the Tang Dynasty, he was an envoy to Beilu. He is a barbarian who served in the princes of the Eastern Lu. He once lived in the grassland near Yinyangzhai when he was a child.

Ba Bang: One of the two brothers of the Tie family in the Qingyang Department, he is the younger brother, a famous general in the northern capital, and his older brother Bach is also a famous general. His full name is Tieyi Baram Jirado, and his elder brother is Tiejin Bah Jirado. His two sons Balu and Baza are the companions of the elder son Lu Guichen.

Piaomiaolu reading keywords

Kyushu: The general name of the world, nine states divided by three continents: East 6, West 6, and North 6. It is said that there are more vast lands outside of Kyushu, but only the area of ​​Kyushu is within the reach of manpower.

Barbarian: A nomadic people living in the grasslands of Hanzhou in the north, consisting of seven major tribes, namely Qingyang, Shuobei, Lanma, Yanghe, Shachi, Jiuzheng and Zhenyan. They took Tongyun Mountain as the sacred mountain and Shuofangyuan as their hometown, and migrated on the vast grassland chasing water and grass.

Hua: The human civilization living in East China, most of them belonged to the ancient Yin Dynasty, engaged in farming and manufacturing, and the sophistication of handicrafts and the development of social structure far surpassed that of North China.

The Kulig Assembly: The Great Council of the Steppes. It was established after the great hero Xun Wang unified the small tribes more than 500 years ago. The Kulig Conference is a federation-like system. The leader of a certain tribe is elected as the leader, and the leader is called the “Maharaja”. The tribal leader is called “lord”.

Qingyang: The leader of the grassland tribes, the Pasur family of the Lu family is the leader of Qingyang. Pasur.

Sky Drive: A mysterious warrior organization whose origins can be traced back to ancient times. The current information about it is that it was once brutally suppressed by the princes of East China, so far it is still a wanted organization in East China, and its members were almost lost in that suppression.

Lower Tang Kingdom: Located in Wanzhou, the East Lu vassal state, is the fiefdom of Duke Bailishi. Because there was a split once, there are two Tang countries in East China, the Lower Tang Kingdom and the Upper Tang Kingdom.

Scout: A spy of an ancient army, a spy.

Yanshi: Refers to the wife of the barbarian tribal monarch. This name is derived from the title of the Huns, which is often seen in “Historical Records Biography of the Huns”.


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