Netherworld Investigator Chapter 2: Wizard once in a century

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Sin Hunter (Detective of the Underworld)!

Grandpa walked slowly into the room with his hands folded and asked Officer Sun what we were talking about.

I desperately signaled Officer Sun not to say it with my eyes. As a result, the uncle was very nervous. Not only did he talk about the cause and effect, he also praised me fiercely.

“Old Song, your grandson is really amazing! This case dragged on for half a month. We were almost digging three feet in the ground and we didn’t find the murder weapon. He just glanced at the photos and took a look. I’m out of the door. This kid will have a great future. I think he should not go to college after he finishes high school. Now that a large number of college students get unemployed after graduation, why don’t I write a letter of introduction and let him go directly to the police academy! Gold should shine, right?”

Grandpa waved his hand and said indifferently: “You’re exalting him too much, but you have turned over a few old books left by your ancestors, and the class door is a good deal. Moreover, our Song family has long had the eight-character ancestors’ admonishment, “I don’t want to be an official, and Mingzhe keeps it safe.” ‘, you should put away that little bit of careful thinking! I won’t give this child to you.”

After that, he glanced at me with a cold look, and was so scared that I hurriedly lowered my head.

Officer Sun sighed and said, “Old Song, you are too stubborn? Isn’t it that you slept in the stables for three years? Didn’t that matter have been rehabilitated early? It is now in the 21st century. What ancestral training is not ancestral training, you are really old and stubborn!” After speaking, patted on my shoulder, trying to win me: “Boy, when you grow up, you want to be a policeman, do you want to catch bad guys with your uncle?” /

I dared not make any trouble in front of Grandpa, and shook my head vigorously.

Grandpa said: “Sun Huo, you don’t understand the Song family’s affairs. I don’t want to do anything else in my life. I only hope that my children and grandchildren will be able to live well and not engage in these dangerous industries anymore.”

Officer Sun still wants to speak. Grandpa has already raised a hand and issued an eviction order: “If it’s okay, please go back first! Otherwise, don’t enter my door in the future.”

Officer Sun swallowed what he was about to say, picked up the briefcase and said: “Okay, Lao Song, then I will go first, and I will visit again next time there is a case!”

After Officer Sun’s car drove away, the air in the living room suddenly became heavier. Grandpa sat on the grandmaster’s chair, holding a tea cup, and I stood in front of him, very nervous.

“Yang’er, how many did you read those two books?” he asked.

I replied falteringly, reading it all. In fact, I didn’t finish reading them. I didn’t have any extracurricular reading materials at home. I would flip through those two books as long as I had time. They were about to fall apart by me.

Grandpa drank a sip of tea, and suddenly read leisurely: “Prison affairs are more important than blazing, and grandfathering is more important than first love, and first love is more important than inspection.”

I was stunned for a moment, and recited: “The power of life and death is covered, and the opportunity to bend and stretch is in vain, so it is determined.”

He said again: “One month of pregnancy is like a white dew; February is like a peach blossom…”

I went on: “March is divided into men and women; April is imagery; May muscles and bones are formed, and hair develops in June; if you move your right hand in July, it is male to mother’s left; in August, if you move your left hand, it is female to mother’s right. .”

These two paragraphs are from the “True Edition of Washing Injustices”. Grandpa deliberately tested me. After listening, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground with a’pop’, and he asked in surprise: “Yang Er, have you memorized all this book?”

“Almost…” I admit it embarrassingly.

“As expected, it is my son of the Song family.” After finishing speaking, Grandpa shook his head again.

This strange reaction shocked me. I thought Grandpa would scold me in a slap, but he didn’t. Later, when I thought back, I realized that my grandfather’s heart was very complicated. He was happy that there would be a successor to the Song family, but he was also afraid that I would follow the same path as him.

Grandpa sighed: “God’s will make people fool!”

Then got up, without even looking at me, went back to the study with his hands behind his back. I stood there, shocked and lucky, grandpa didn’t plan to spank me?

Late that night, my grandpa woke me up suddenly and told me to put on my clothes and go somewhere with him. I put on my clothes in confusion, and came to the yard. Grandpa threw a pickaxe to me, and then Walking out without saying a word, I followed closely.

The county town where we live is not big. Going to the south is a wilderness. There is no moon and stars are scarce that night. Grandpa walked in the silent chestnut forest. Along the way, there was only the rustling of our feet on the pile of fallen leaves, and the moaning of unknown animals in the depths of the forest, which made my heart straighten out.

Soon we passed through the woods and came to a wasteland. I kicked something in a panic. Upon closer inspection, it was clearly a dead human bone! Being exposed to the sun and rain all the year round, it has become black.

I suddenly remembered that there was a mass grave nearby. According to reports, when the world was in turmoil, there was a group of gangsters who took over the mountain as king, killing people like hemp, and throwing all the bodies here. Over time, it became a place. In an ominous place, some weird things often happen. The villagers nearby did not even build houses, but the front entrance would never open in this direction. Anyone who had any unnamed corpses or had a morally corrupted life and was not worthy of being buried in an ancestral grave was thrown here.

I saw a cloud of green fire around me, like ghosts.

At first I thought it was a firefly, but then I thought about it, this mass grave is so dark that almost no grass grows. Where did the firefly come from? That light is clearly the “fire of detachment” recorded in the “True Edition of Washing Mistakes”, which is also the “ghost fire” in the world. It is the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion caused by the phosphorus in the bones of the decayed body that volatilizes into the air.

Although I understand this truth, I still got goose bumps when I saw this fluttering ghost fire with my own eyes.

Just as my heartbeat was accelerating, a black shadow suddenly rushed over from the mass grave, stopped ten meters away and stared at me deadly, his eyes glowing with a green light, scared me. Scream.

Grandpa picked up a stone and threw it at the dark shadow. The dark shadow was frightened, and Wang rushed into the bushes with a loud noise.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s a dog.” Grandpa comforted.

I swallowed and asked, “Grandpa, what are we doing here?”

“You will know later…”

Grandpa took me to the front of a pile of rocks and pointed his finger: “Dig!”

“Dig?” I was taken aback: “Grandpa, is this a grave?”

“The one buried here is not a tomb, what else can be.” Grandpa replied.

“But, grandpa, isn’t it illegal to rob a tomb?” I hesitated.

“What a tomb robbery, this is called a coffin autopsy, stop talking nonsense, and dig it quickly.” Grandpa said harshly.

In desperation, I picked up my pickaxe and started digging. This is a stone grave. It is very difficult to dig. Don’t think I grew up in the county town, but I have hardly ever held anything heavier than a pen since I was young. , And soon the palm of his hand could wear out blood blisters.

Grandpa stood aside and lit the smoke, watching me dig. The smoke floated over, although it was very choking, but it calmed my heart, and even the gloomy cold air in the mass graves was reduced a bit!

I don’t know how long I have been digging. I was so tired and sweating that I suddenly heard a creak, apparently touching the dead person below. So I abandoned my pickaxe and moved the stones one by one with my hands, and soon a pile of blackened bones appeared underneath.

Look at Grandpa. He smoked a cigarette and didn’t speak, so he continued to dig out the bones from the pile of rocks, and found an open space to put them together in order.

Although I have never touched a corpse before, in the chapter “Bone Examination” in the “True Edition of Washing Injustices”, the shape of each bone is explained in detail, so I didn’t spell out this skeleton. Too much time.

Just trying to fight, I suddenly felt something was wrong!


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