My Bei Hai Zoo: 1 book of milk


   Title: “The Journey of Heroes from the Water Margin”

  Content introduction:

   Cao Jun, carrying a half bottle of 53% Moutai liquor, traveled to the world of the Water Margin, and encountered a small shop with ‘three bowls but no guard’, and a strong man who said he was not drunk with a thousand cups.

   Cao Jun gladly shared the half bottle of liquor with the strong man.

   As a result, the hero was lost in the mouth of a tiger, and Cao Jun became a tiger fighting hero and found a cheat book.

   Drunken Fist: “After learning, the strength is +5, the critical strike rate is +3%, and it can greatly increase the block success rate. If the block is successful, it will cause the opponent to become temporarily stiff.”


   I hope I won’t be killed by my milk.



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