Mage Adam Chapter 107: Founded


Elliott flew to Adam’s laboratory non-stop, knocking on the door of the laboratory.

The assistant who opened the door looked at him suspiciously and asked, “Mr. Elliott, what’s wrong with you?”

Eliot didn’t answer. He pushed the assistant slightly rudely and glanced anxiously in the laboratory. The assistant was not angry, but it was even more strange. Elliott in his impression was never like this: “Mr. Elliott? Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Where did James go? Isn’t he in the lab?” After finding that there were only a few assistants in the hall who seemed to be very unwell, Elliott grabbed the apprentice’s arm and asked repeatedly.

The apprentice is confused: “Mr. James? He’s on leave.”

“Damn it!” Elliot let go of his hand and slapped himself on the forehead. The last bit of luck in his heart disappeared. James really went to die!

Elliott turned his head and walked towards Adam’s office. The only thing he can do now is to tell Adam about it. If Adam is willing to shoot, maybe he can save James’ life. This is the only thing he can do. I can do it for this old acquaintance.

However, this thought was also shattered. In the office, only the devil sat swaggeringly in the chair, facing Eliot’s question and replied: “Master? No longer in the office, he is presiding over the experiment, and he specially ordered that no people disturb him.”

Eliot sat down and sighed, and told the devil about James, but the devil suddenly rolled his eyes and said, “Although the master is no longer, there is still me, I can go and help! “


Adam was indeed conducting the experiment, and in three months of full summarization, he found a new empirical method suitable for the current situation.

Speaking of which, the concept of ether has also been mentioned on earth. In the nineteenth century and before, many great scientists firmly believed in the existence of ether, and did many things based on the assumption of ether. Many theories were discovered through experiments, but those experiments and theories were later deemed wrong because no one could discover the existence of ether.

But this is unimpeded in the world of mages. Ether is the source energy that every mages and apprentices have to come into contact with every second of every day. The mages firmly believe in it and have observed the mysterious reaction of the ether in the void countless times with their own eyes. In the scene where the plane was born, the concept that the ether is the source of all things is not a conjecture in this world, but a fact.

Subsequent experiments went relatively smoothly.

In the course of the experiment, he found that the previous failure was because the ether was not fully brought in, and the point of view to be demonstrated was not closely combined with the previous conclusions. Due to the continuous accumulation in the past ten years, the progress was fast after the joints were figured out. Adam directed all the senior assistants to carry out one test after another in a rapid and orderly manner.

The active environment of ether made the assistants very uncomfortable, but no one was willing to leave until the eve of the collapse. With the establishment of one conclusion, they all realized that an unprecedented theory was about to be born. As participants and witnesses , they don’t want to miss that glorious moment.

So much so that Adam had to force all assistants to wear a body detection device. Once the device alarmed, an alchemy puppet forcibly threw the apprentice out of the laboratory.

“Experiment No. 1 was successful, and the conclusion was established!”, “Experiment No. 2 was successful, and the conclusion was established!”… Adam received the aggregated data, staring at the unfinished experiment, while Write **** paper to complete the final deduction

“The law of electromagnetic induction is established in the ether environment!”

“Regardless of whether there is an insulating material or not, as long as there is an electric field, there will be a displacement of ether charges. The magnitude of the displacement is proportional to the strength of the electric field. When the displacement of the charged particles changes with time, a current will be formed, and the displacement current is confirmed to exist.”

“A time-varying electric field can generate a magnetic field. Since the law of electromagnetic induction is established, it is confirmed that a time-varying magnetic field can generate an electric field. The equations are successfully combined!”

After Adam wrote the last symbol on the paper, he and the paper were shrouded in light and ascended into the sky.

The gift of ether descended from an unknown place and went straight into the depths of his soul. Runes shining with mysterious rays of light appeared out of thin air and merged into his exposed soul. The electric elements that he could see and the magnetic field that he could not see appeared at the same time. On Adam and the surrounding space, he took his soul to transform into an unknown form. The Mage Armor has collapsed and reorganized countless times in just a few seconds, and each time it means an evolution to a more perfect state.

The weak ether gift also fell on each assistant, and then the alarm sounded one after another, and the alchemy puppet threw the assistants out of the laboratory one by one, leaving only Adam himself in the end.

“Successful! The experiment is successful! We have jointly verified a new knowledge! We are the creators!” The assistant who was thrown out had a faint etheric radiance left on red-faced and grabbed anyone around him Repeat the same thing.

They couldn’t help but be excited. Before that, they were just one of the countless ordinary apprentices in the mage plane. They might be lucky enough to fit a certain path, and they were lucky enough to be wise enough to be promoted to mage, but if there is no accident, In their lifetime, it is impossible to research a new field.

But just today, just now, with their joint efforts, the electromagnetic system magic was confirmed to exist, and they became the creators and witnesses of a great field.

They feel that their spiritual power is unprecedentedly active and growing rapidly. Wisdom has almost become a state of blessing in their souls. Many problems that were previously incomprehensible can be solved with a little thought. become stronger than ever.

“Mr. Adam… No, it should be called Mr. Adam. Can he be promoted to a full-fledged mage this time?” In excitement, an assistant suddenly asked.

No one doubts this. Even if they are no longer in the same room, they can still feel the wonderful breath of ether. Another assistant said with certainty: “Of course! Starting today, we are an official Mage laboratory. As long as the research continues, maybe we can become great people too!”

However, as soon as his voice fell, the majestic aura of ether gifts in the laboratory disappeared, and everyone’s conversation stopped abruptly. Although it was not them who were about to be promoted, they could also feel whether the ether gifts were all accepted or not. Abrupt stop, this situation is absolutely abnormal!

“What’s going on?!”

“Is the theory wrong? Electromagnetic magic doesn’t exist?!”


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