I Am Not Really Related:


War, fighting…

Countless blood stained the earth, and people in the battle fell one after another, including ninjas, samurai, ordinary people who came to fight, and even children who were still young.

It’s just that no one has compassion in their eyes, because being soft-hearted toward the enemy is cruel to one’s own!

So everyone was red-eyed, even if they died, they had to bite off a piece of the enemy’s flesh and blood before dying, and then fell into the pool of blood contentedly.

And this is just a microcosm of the turbulent times.

The average life expectancy of ninjas and civilians is only about 30 years old. Those who can survive today may die in the next day’s battle.

It seems that no one can escape such a vortex and change all this.

Until two fateful people meet…

A few years later, the era of turbulent (river crab) chaos came to an end.

Under the invincible appearance of Senju Hashirama and Madara Uchiha, countless families have been defeated and suppressed or taken under their command.

Then, the Hidden Village of Konoha was established.

The rest of the clans followed suit and began to establish their own villages of Ninja to rule the world.

The short dawn called peace seems to have a hint of omen falling on the earth, but people are unpredictable, everyone is waiting… Waiting for the **** called the ninja world, shocking the whole ninja The men of the world step into the underworld.

It’s just that no one knows that the end of one legend also means the beginning of another…


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