Heaven’s Will Balancing System: Leaving and starting


The night is very dark, and there is no moon tonight.

Golden Silk Graveyard.

Sometimes weird movements are heard in the silent cemetery, which makes people feel horrified. And this is also the reason why the cemetery at night is terrible. Even the most daring Grave keeper does not dare to travel through the cemetery at night.

Why? The answer is simple, there are ghosts here!

dīng! dīng!

The clear sound is particularly awake here, even if the sound is very small.

The sound of horror in the graveyard seemed to stop there, and then gradually recovered.

“Ah ~”

A long sigh came from the short and small gravestone under a Locust Tree, but when I looked at it, I saw a yellow light spot swaying back and forth in the air, and it seemed particularly ghastly here.

The light spot flashed for a while, and finally the dimness disappeared, but the sound of dīng dīng was heard again at this time.


The fire was on. Oh! It turned out to be a man!

The man knocked out the lighter and made a pleasant sound, silently smoking a good smoke in the dark.

His name is Mu Xiao. He is 47 years old and unmarried.

The name Mu Xiao may be unknown, but his other name, Mu Tianheng, is rarely known!

Mu Tianheng, is the world ’s ecological maintenance organization Pioneer, the speaker, and is the hero of Samsung ’s world civilization and progress! Its amazing achievements include: controlling the soil erosion problem of the Yellow River, making it green, and no longer losing the slightest sediment of China; perfecting the cloning technology system so that it can be applied to various fields, reducing the protection level of a large number of rare protected animals Class, even delineating the range of protected animals …

His life is a legend!

“It’s time to go.” Mu Xiao exhaled lightly, pinching the right hand of the cigarette a little trembling, feeling a bit heavy. Even if it is a matter that has been decided long ago, when it is about to leave, it is still a bit frustrating and confused. Is this really what you want?

Mu Xiao meditated for a long time, and suddenly sneered, the crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes were deeper, the confusion in the eyes had disappeared, and the reluctance was hidden, and only a trace of it was definitely flashing. Since it is my own pursuit, why should I question it? What’s so good about this world that has long collapsed?

“I want to be wonderful! I want eternal life!” Mu Xiao bit his trembling lips, pressed his right hand against his chest, and squeezed out the words from his mouth, “The world has long been out of balance, human race has reached the summit and destroyed the entire ecosystem What is wonderful about the world with only human race? How can I give me points to strengthen? Even System has given up saving, why should I worry about it again! “

“The dīng! host has the right idea. The future of this world is dark and has no saving value unless the destruction starts from scratch!”

An electronic sound sounded in his mind, this is his System.

Mu Xiao listened to the electronic sound and could n’t help but recall the scene when he first got System.

That year, when he was 13 years old, he was still working hard for his dream school: high school. But one day, a strange object fell from the sky, unknown chose him, to cater to his thinking, claiming to be Heavenly Dao Balancing System, with the purpose of maintaining the world’s ecology, and he is the host. System binding, there are two ways to break away, one is that the idea and action deviate from the purpose of System, and the other is death.

At this point, Mu Xiao started an extraordinary life, but because System has given up this world, so the Mission Reward issued has dropped to 1% of the original, which makes the dream of Mu Xiao broken, unless, change the world …

For another world, for the entire human race, there is currently no clue, but for Heavenly Dao Balancing System, it does not exceed the scope of capabilities.

The core capability of System is Yin-Yang Furnace, which can satisfy most of the host ’s wishes, of course, the premise is that there is Balance Point. For the vast majority of these wishes, for Mu Xiao, except can’t recover the dead, and he can fully satisfy all his wishes. Only what he can’t think of, there is nothing System can’t do.

What is the small part that cannot be done? Mu Xiao asked, basically creating the universe, playing with Six Paths of Samsara and the like …

System promulgated mission, and rewarded Balance Point after completing his term. Over the years, Mu Xiao has been running around to collect the points needed to leave the world. Now, the required points have been collected, and even because of some accidents, the points have overflowed a lot.

“Sir, do you need matches?” Just as Mu Xiao kept thinking, an old man stood silently behind him, and asked with a low voice and a low smile.

Mu Xiao turned around for a moment, looked at the old-fashioned, kind-faced old man, politely smiled and refused: “No, thank you!”

Say it, turn your head again to continue to empty your mind. It is very strange that an old man was walking in this cemetery so late at night, his clothes were retro and strange, but Mu Xiao didn’t seem to notice it at all.

“Sir, do you want a match?” The old man ignored Mu Xiao‘s reply and continued to ask, this time his head was lowered, and he had pulled out a box of brick-like matches.

Mu Xiao ignores it and never looks back.

“Sir, do you want matches?”


“Sir, do you want matches?”

“Sir, do you want matches?”

“Sir, do you want matches?”


The older man asked the faster, the louder the question, the more stern his face, the lower his head dropped, almost touched the tip of Mu Xiao‘s ear, but Mu Xiao still had the same face, but was annoyed and turned his head to frown. : “Who are you? Go away!”

asked the old man who spoke very fast, and finally stopped asking, and also recovered the kindness, gently said: “Who am I?”

“I am a little girl who sells matches! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha !!!” The old man suddenly turned his face and laughed madly, and the matchbox on his fierce handle split to Mu Xiao, “Buy a match Come on, sir !! “


is like farting! The old man was hit by Mu Xiao with a finger and the smoke dissipated.

“Ah! The world is so broken that even Six Paths of Samsara is out of balance.” Mu Xiao looked at the old man silently … Well, the uncle’s smoke dissipated, helplessly said, “Humanity is too prosperous, even Heavenly Dao is disturbed by it.”

“It’s time to go too.” Mu Xiao was so disturbed by Uncle Ghost, but he disappointed the last of Mu Xiao, and decided to leave now!

System, it’s time to go.”

dīng! System is thinking about inquiries … Shuttle to the nearest world, shuttle method: Physical Body Transfer, soul reincarnation ~ IndoMTL.com ~ please choose!”

Mu Xiao looked at the options that appeared in front of her. Obviously, the former cost more points than the latter, “Choose? Do you still need to ask?”

Mu Xiao touched the crow’s feet of his eyes and chuckled: “Of course it is the latter, the fool chooses the former!”

Reincarnation of soul, doesn’t it mean one more life!

dīng! crossed over is in progress, does it cost Balance Point to choose good flesh?”


dīng! System is looking for a high-quality body after the reincarnation of the host …”

“I hope my future identity will be an orphan.” Mu Xiao put forward a condition, why did he put forward this condition? It’s because he doesn’t want to experience the pain of leaving the person he’s closest to again-not once!

dīng! consumes Balance Point, narrow the choice.”

“Wait! I hope it will be human after reincarnation, which is not good, and it can be human type.” Mu Xiao suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said.

System is being reselected …”

“Re-choice !?” Mu Xiao immediately became sweaty, and his emotions were almost not human. Fortunately, he thought more, otherwise … he could not accept it!

dīng! is selected!”

dīng! found that there is still Balance Point left in the host, friendly reminder, Balance Point cannot be taken out of the world!”

“Oh?” Mu Xiao was a little surprised, he also wanted to reserve some for his own use after crossed over, if he can’t take it …

Mu Xiao looked back at the tombstone, a relaxed smile appeared on his face, and it ’s cheaper for you, “Protect all my remaining points to protect my love and those who love me! And bless them live a healthy and long life, family Happiness, dreams come true, wealth is rolling! After death, clean, reincarnated and prosperous! “

Let ’s just talk about it, and then the undisclosed dust will dissipate in the air …


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