Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 965: Solution


Shadow Sovereign said solemnly: “Go, call Lu Ping.” The waiter said, immediately went to call someone, and Lu Ping came after a while. As soon as he saw Shadow Sovereign, he saluted Shadow Sovereign, and Shadow Sovereign waved his hand said: “Lu Ping, Li beloved minister has one request to make with you, no, it should be two requests, Li beloved minister, about the tree, let’s talk to Lu Ping too.”

Li Liqing responded, and told Lu Ping about the tree and the bone union beast. The tree’s requirement is that it must be lush with branches and leaves, and there are one by one and some aggressiveness. Finally, spiritual force that can block Blood Slaughter Sect Exploration, these are the most basic requirements. As for the bone union beast, there are more requirements. It is best that the power of attack be stronger, able to absorb the power of Blood Slaughter Sect, the best way to break through the defense of Blood Slaughter Sect, and at the same time be able to To deal with those bugs, these requirements are quite a lot.

After Lu Ping listened to Li Liqing’s words, he thought for a while, and then open the mouth and said: “The tree matter is actually very easy to solve. We only need some half-originally shadow **** trees, and we can make some improvements. We can also use the shadow God tree, tie combined together with our clansman, we used to be afraid of losing too much clansman, which would affect our fighting strength, but now we don’t have to worry about it, we can meet the commander’s request by combining them with the shadow **** tree combined together , As for the bone-linked beasts, this needs to be thought about carefully. I, is possible, can’t do it. Let the bone-linked beasts swallow the bats or spiders they eat. is possible can only eat them all, but those Blood Slaughter Sect But the bugs can be killed, and some metals can be obtained, but these metals stay in the body of the bone union beast, if we eat too little, we will die, so we can only set a certain amount, one but one skull Union Beast, eats too little metal, it’s dying, we have to get returned to out of the world, then you can’t get the metal, definitely without those metals, you said before, you can’t make the metal small tree, Or metal bone beasts, by this time, it will be more complicated for you to deal with these Blood Slaughter Sect people, but that requires experimentation, and it doesn’t take time to be complicated.”

Shadow Sovereign said solemnly: “You are forcing him, give him enough time, he can’t test quickly, anyway, outside the back line, now he can withstand it, he can’t test quickly, how? Is there any problem? ?”

Niu Jin quickly said: Majesty “Yes,, is there any problem, please worry about it, I will definitely try my best research, and bring out the results as soon as possible. “

Shadow Sovereign waved his hand said: “It’s too slow, I said, for him, I can’t give him a more narrow environment, he can’t be fast research, go.” Niu Jin responded, Then I directed gave a salute to a few people, and then turn around left, and before Niu Jin leave, Shadow Sovereign said to Tong Ying said: “Tong Ying, he returned to go to the back line, try to resist Blood Slaughter Sect for a while with is possible less, by the way , these spiders can eat vines, let us directly deal with these bugs of Shadow Clansman, to ensure our number, after all, after Niu Jin has produced a new bone union beast, these spiders still deal with these bugs Is the bug Main Force, understand?”

Tongying quickly said: “Yes, Your Majesty, I’m understand. “Shadow Sovereign nodded, then waved his hand, Tong Ying pointed at Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, then turn around leave, Li beloved minister also wanted to leave, but Shadow Sovereign suddenly open the mouth and said: “Li Liqing stay here. “

Guo Luqin responded and stayed. Before Tongying leave, Shadow Sovereign said to Li beloved minister said:, “Li Liqing, I didn’t want to tell him about his formation of the army. He has also seen the situation outside the front line. I hope he can absorb experience from the current battle on the back line, and make a bad summary. When you encountered Blood Slaughter Sect in the past, the mistakes you made now will be correct. Is he committing a crime, is he understand?” Shadow Sovereign actually pays the most attention to Li beloved minister, I know Li beloved minister‘s ability, but in terms of command(er) fighting, Li beloved minister is much less spiritual than Tong Ying.

Tong Ying is good at defense. I am the kind of person who accepts death. Before I break the defense, I will retreat defensively. When it comes to changing formations, my is possible is worse. I always said that when I was fighting in command(er) , Is there any spirituality, but such a person, I don’t have a characteristic, it’s not that I’m not very tenacious, he asked me to retreat to defense, this piece of region I’m defending, unless all people are dead, if so, I This piece of region for defense will definitely be breached by others, that’s not my characteristic, that’s what Guo Luqin is better than.

However, Guo Luqin’s spirituality in the command(er) battle is also true of Tong Ying. That does not mean that Tong Ying can change completely, but the speed I changed is worse than Li beloved minister. More, and the effect of my change is also better than that of Guo Luqin, which is my weak point.

[Xiaoxiang APP search for “Spring Gifts” New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Li beloved minister quickly said: “Yes, Please worry about your majesty, I will definitely learn a lesson, and I will definitely commit such mistakes again. “

As the spider is retreating attack against Reaching Sky Vine, the battle between the two sides has also retreated into white coldness. disciple of Blood Slaughter Sect is stopping to hunt Shadow Clansman and Bone Beast, and Shadow Clansman and Bone Beast, because The quantity is so small that we can’t keep consuming it like that. It’s a stop and retreat charge, so that Blood Slaughter Sect‘s disciple dares to relax all the time. In that case, Shadow Clansman and Blood Slaughter Sect have been deadlocked.

Currently, Tongying is retreating and defending, which is what I am good at, but even if that is the case, I will come back from time to time to ask for advice, while Li beloved minister is almost like appears , and Shadow Sovereign is now let The army formed by Li beloved minister was prepared to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect, and it was going to fight Blood Slaughter Sect in the first decisive battle, so Shadow Sovereign paid more attention to what Li beloved minister is doing now, and then left Li beloved minister alone, explain/transfer So a few words, I also know that Guo Luqin will definitely do that, but I have to say those words, I have to let Li beloved minister understand, I don’t pay much attention to that matter, only without that, Li beloved minister will be more serious Pay attention to that matter, then equal to is beating Guo Luqin, I suspect that Li beloved minister must will understand what I mean.

At that time, Guo Lu didn’t have returned to back line, before returned to back line, I immediately ordered giant tree to make these spiders go to attack Reaching Sky Vine, but I thought giant tree would go up earlier After giving the order, Tong Ying breathed a sigh of relief. I only wanted to report to Shadow Sovereign, and I even forgot explain/transfer, and I wonder if giant tree was forgotten. If so, it will be really troublesome.

On our side, there are still two groups of dark clouds that are still entangled in together. It is the spirit-eating insects, scorpions, spider bats and these spiders. Because we are too small in number, and none of them have the ability to self-replicate, so our The battle was even more tragic, the corpses of bugs kept falling up, it was disciple from Blood Slaughter Sect, but we didn’t care about us, we just need to pay attention, it’s okay to be killed by these bugs attack, as for how many of these bugs died, we don’t care I really care about it. Anyway, the number of these bugs is too small. To be honest, if we are to deal with these bugs alone, whether it is the one type of bug, it is enough for us to have a headache. The battle of although these bugs The impact is positive, but our number is the most painful thing for head. Shadow Sovereign nodded, and then open the mouth and said: “Go, I’m sure he doesn’t need anything, just tell me directly, and I will definitely help him.”

Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, now from two directions, regress attack to Shadow Clansman, one is not under Seventh Layer Lu Ping forest, nor under Guo Lu, we put Battle Formation under Lu Ping, regress attack to Shadow Clansman Whether it is outside forest or in forest, we are all attack, and the other direction of retreat is not above the First Layer Lupin Forest, the position in the two-layer Lupin Forest, we have not gone, because this In addition, it will face the attack of the one layer Luping lower bone vine above, and the attack of the one layer Luping tree root, so we have not reverted to attack for Shadow Clansman here, but from the lower and upper two hundred pairs of Shadow Clansman attack, we also know that once we retreat outside the Lupin Forest, our steam weapon will be able to play a greater role, and we will also face Guo Lu’s attack, so we can only Stay at the bottom of Guo Lu Forest, retreat attack to Shadow Clansman.

Guo Luqin responded, and then she chose a salute to Shadow Sovereign, turn around leave, and before Li beloved minister leave, Shadow Sovereign was only let out a long breath, and then I sat on the couch with returned to, sat on the couch, and look at couch I can’t help but sigh heavily. Now the situation of Shadow Clan is very bad. I haven’t used all the resources that Shadow Clan can use, but now Shadow Clansman is really too little. Now my resources , all used in eight places, one is Li beloved minister, the seventh is General Manager Cai Yuanyou, the eighth is not Guo Lu, relatively speaking, Niu Jin still needs the most thing Yes, but besides Cai Yuanyou and Li beloved minister, they are like two pits with a bottom. No matter how many resources are enough for us, there is no way.

The battle is still going on, the distance of Blood Slaughter Sect everyday retreat is also very close, but it is not more than seven feet away. Such a distance of retreat is also the bone to give Tongying any pressure, because such a distance of retreat wants to threaten the core of our formation region, It hasn’t been a long time yet, so we are still slowing down, everyday is still retreating the same way, but now there are not many Shadow Clansman and bone union beasts, and they have not retreated outside the Lupin Forest, in the Lupin Forest Besides, following Lupin together back line, although said that Lupin had a lot of branches, and is possible completely blocked Blood Slaughter Sect disciple Steam weapon’s attack, but it still couldn’t give us some cover, as long as we got to the surface of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, it’s still Blood Slaughter Sect disciple cannot be regressed once to sneak attack. although said that the effect is not very bad, but it also brought some troubles to Blood Slaughter Sect disciple. It is too bad in Blood Slaughter Sect disciple. We don’t know our method yet. Without protection, our attack effect will be even worse, but we have to admit that our method also makes Blood Slaughter Sect disciple feel very headache.

When White Eyes saw the situation, he could not help showing a smile on his face, and then open the mouth and said: “Now the situation is stalemate in although, but in fact you have been in the backline all the time, it’s just that speed is a little faster, Yes, there is (It) doesn’t matter, you don’t have time, you can’t come quickly, you really want to see, Shadow Clansman doesn’t have any moves to deal with you, Xiaojia is preparing for bad rotation, that battle will definitely last for a long time Already.” Everyone agreed, and immediately went to make arrangements.


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